QuickCode tag that is placed in the checkout template for when you pay for your order in full using only Reward Points. Creates a required field that overrides using a payment gateway.
Requirements / Prerequisites
Apply tag to the checkout template.
Example of Use
Entering the text below in your checkout template will display a "Pay with your reward points!" submit button that overrides going through a payment gateway when paying in full with RW points,
{FIELD-REQUIRED-PAY-WITH-REWARD-POINTS-FIELDS} <input class="SUBMIT-BUTTON" name="submit_pay_with_reward_points" type="submit" value="Pay with your reward points!" />
Source Code
Source Code Updated: 12/31/1969
When a web page using a template that contains this QuickCode Tag is viewed in the storefront, the {FIELD-REQUIRED-PAY-WITH-REWARD-POINTS-FIELDS} QuickCode Tag is changed into the source code below prior to the web page being displayed.