37 articles in the category Reviews. | Showing results 26 - 37 |
This QuickCode Tag is used to display the value assigned to a specific criteria, within a specific product review. In order to enable review criteria, a store admin must first create one or more criteria group, and apply the...
The {REVIEW-CRITERIA-SID} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the SID number of a ranking criteria. Store admins may use the Ranking Criteria Editor to create and manage ranking criteria groups....
The {REVIEW-DETAIL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the full text of a product review. {REVIEW-DETAIL} is typically used in combination with {REVIEW-SUMMARY} and {REVIEW-TOGGLE-DISPLAY-TAG}. With this combination,...
The {REVIEW-SID} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the SID number of a product review. When a product review is submitted, a unique SID number is assigned to the review, and it is added to the shopping cart database....
The {REVIEW-SUMMARY} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the text of a product review, up to a set character limit. The character limit is specified as a parameter to the {REVIEW-SUMMARY} QuickCode Tag. For instance,...
The {REVIEW-TOGGLE-DISPLAY-TAG} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a link that may be used to toggle between displaying the summary of a product review, or the full text of a product review. {REVIEW-TOGGLE-DISPLAY-TAG}...
The {REVIEW-VOTES-HELPFUL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the total number positive votes that have been submitted for a particular product review.
The {REVIEW-VOTES-TOTAL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the total number of votes (including both positive votes and negative votes) that have been submitted for a particular product review.
The {REVIEW-VOTES-UNHELPFUL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the total number negative votes that have been submitted for a particular product review.
The {URL-REVIEW-VOTE-IS-HELPFUL} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a link that visitors may click to submit a positive vote regarding a particular product review. {IF-CUSTOMER-HAS-VOTED-ON-REVIEW-BEGIN}, {ELSE},...
The {URL-REVIEW-VOTE-IS-UNHELPFUL} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a link that visitors may click to submit a negative vote regarding a particular product review. {IF-CUSTOMER-HAS-VOTED-ON-REVIEW-BEGIN}, {ELSE},...