This QuickCode Tag will build a drop-down menu, containing all of the different shipping addresses that have been entered by the specific customers.
Requirements / Prerequisites
A customer must be both logged into their account and have multiple shipping addresses for this QuickCode Tag to display properly.
Example of Use
1. To display the drop-down manu containing the different shipping addresses asscoiated with the customer, place the {FIELD-SHIP-ADDRESS-MENU} in any of the customer or checkout related HTML templates.
2. Example:
Please choose a shipping address where to ship this order: {FIELD-SHIP-ADDRESS-MENU}
3. Would output this: Please choose a shipping address where to ship this order:
Source Code
Source Code Updated: 12/31/1969
When a web page using a template that contains this QuickCode Tag is viewed in the storefront, the {FIELD-SHIP-ADDRESS-MENU} QuickCode Tag is changed into the source code below prior to the web page being displayed.