The beginning tag for displaying or hiding specific QuickCode Tags if the customer is paying via a Coupon code.
Requirements / Prerequisites
This QuickCode Tag must be used in conjunction with the {IF-PAY-WITH-COUPON-END} tag. Also, this QuickCode tag must be used on the checkout3 HTML template.
Example of Use
1. On the checkout3.php page, place the {IF-PAY-WITH-COUPON-BEGIN} tag before the coupon related QuickCode tag to display the coupon related QuickCode tags if the customer is paying for the order via Coupon Code. Use the {IF-PAY-WITH-COUPON-END} tag after the coupon related QuickCode tags.
2. Example: You Paid with a coupon: {IF-PAY-WITH-COUPON-BEGIN}Amount Paid: {COUPON-AMOUNT-PAID}<input type="submit" class="standard-button" alt="complete your order" name="submit2" id="submit2" value="Complete Your Order!" />{IF-PAY-WITH-COUPON-END}
3. Would display this if the customer pays via a Coupon Code:
You Paid with a coupon:
Amount Paid: $9.99
Source Code
Source Code Updated: 12/31/1969
When a web page using a template that contains this QuickCode Tag is viewed in the storefront, the {IF-PAY-WITH-COUPON-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag is changed into the source code below prior to the web page being displayed.