35 articles in the category Digital Delivery. | Showing results 1 - 25 |
Displays the digital delivery statistic associated with the customer's account.
Displays the digital delivery statistic associated with the customer's account.
This is used to add a field where the customer can enter in the password they received to open their digital product.
This QuickCode tag will display the expiration date for the digital file associated with the order. This will be displayed in the download_delivery.php HTML template.
This QuickCode tag will display the password associated with the digital order. This password will allow the customer to log into their digital delivery page and access their downloads for the order.
This QuickCode tag will display the URL that will take the user into the digital delivery page.
This QuickCode Tag will build the button used in the download_delivery HTML template page. When the user clicks on these buttons they will either download the file, access the webpage or begin viewing the Flash Video.
Displays the number of times that the customer has accessed each file.
Displays the Expiration date for each Digital Product that is purchased.
Displays the exact timestamp of the expiration time for each digital file. This will be displayed in the form of a UNIX Timestamp.
This tag is used to begin the section of instructions for each digital file, if there are no instructions then any tag that is between this one and {DIGITAL-FILE-IF-INSTRUCTIONS-END} will not appear.
This tag is used to end the section of instructions for each digital file, if there are no instructions then any tag that is between this one and {DIGITAL-FILE-IF-INSTRUCTIONS-BEGIN} will not appear.
Displays the download access instructions for each digital file, located in the Digital Product File Editor.
Displays each of the purchased Digital Files' names.
Displays the Release date for each Digital Product that is purchased.
Displays the total number of times a customer has left to access their Digital Files.
Displays the total file size for each digital file.
Displays the total number of times each of the purchased Digital Files have been accessed or downloaded.
This QuickCode Tag will display the message set by the store admin in the Digital Delivery Module [Navigation Menu > Modules > Digital Delivery > Add a Digital Object] that will be displayed for digital objects is not...
The {DIGITAL-OBJECT-ACCESS-BUTTON} QuickCode Tag may be used within the digital_delivery.template.php template to create Download, Play Media and Send to Kindle/Other Device buttons on the digital delivery storefront page.
The {DIGITAL-OBJECT-CURRENT-ACCESS-NUMBER} QuickCode Tag may be used within the digital_delivery.template.php template to display how many download attempts have been made so far for each digital object on the...
This QuickCode tag displays the expiration date for a specific digital object in the download delivery template based on the shelf life given to digital objects and when the object is purchased. You can change the shelf life...
The {DIGITAL-OBJECT-EXPIRATION-TIMESTAMP} QuickCode Tag may be used within the digital_delivery.template.php template to display the expiration date in Unix timestamp format of each digital object...
The {DIGITAL-OBJECT-INSTRUCTIONS} QuickCode Tag may be used within the digital_delivery.template.php template to display any instructions that have been entered for the digital objects ready for...
The {DIGITAL-OBJECT-NAME} QuickCode Tag may be used within the digital_delivery.template.php template to display the name of each digital object listed on the digital delivery storefront page.