1. Add the following code to a storefront template:
Example<hr />
<!-- Show the content between IF-USING-WISH-LISTS-BEGIN and IF-USING-WISH-LISTS-END only if the store's Wish List Module is enabled. -->
<h3>Wish Lists</h3>
<!-- Show the content between IF-WISH-LIST-BEGIN and ELSE only if the shopping session has a wish list. -->
<div style="border:2px solid black;padding:15px;width:700px;">
<!-- Show the content between IF-WISH-LIST-OWNER-BEGIN and ELSE only if the logged in customer owns the wish list. -->
<h4>Edit my wish lists...</h4><br />
<form name="wish_list_form" method="post" action="{THIS-PAGE}">
<!-- Show the content between WISH-LIST-BLOCK-BEGIN and WISH-LIST-BLOCK-END once for each wish list. -->
<ul style="border:2px solid grey;padding:15px;width:auto;list-style-type: none;">
<li><strong>Wish List Name</strong> {FIELD-WISH-LIST-NAME}</li>
<!-- Show the content between WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK-BEGIN and WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK-END once for each product in the current wish list. -->
<ul style="padding:10px;width:auto;list-style-type: none;">
<li><strong>Product Name:</strong> {PRODUCT-NAME}</li>
<li><strong>Price:</strong> {PRODUCT-PRICE}</li>
<li><strong>Priority:</strong> {FIELD-WISH-LIST-ITEM-PRIORITY}</li>
<li style="text-align:center;"><button type="button" name="" value="" onclick="location.href='quick_return.php?id={PRODUCT-SID}&qty=1'">ADD TO CART</button></li>
</ul><br />
<!-- End of WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK content. -->
<li style="text-align:center;"><a href="{URL-ADD-WISH-LIST-TO-BASKET}">Add entire "{WISH-LIST-NAME}" wish list to my order.</a></li>
</ul><br />
<!-- End of WISH-LIST-BLOCK content. -->
<p><input type="submit" name="submit_wish_list_form" value="Update wish lists" /></p>
<!-- Show the content between ELSE and IF-WISH-LIST-OWNER-END only if the logged in customer does not own the wish list. -->
<ul style="border:2px solid grey;padding:15px;width:auto;list-style-type: none;">
<li><h4>Viewing Wish List: {WISH-LIST-NAME}</h4></li>
<li><strong>Public access code:</strong> {WISH-LIST-ACCESS-CODE}</li>
<!-- Show the content between WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK-BEGIN and WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK-END once for each product in the current wish list. -->
<ul style="padding:10px;width:auto;list-style-type: none;">
<li><strong>Product Name:</strong> {PRODUCT-NAME}</li>
<li><strong>Price:</strong> {PRODUCT-PRICE}</li>
<li><strong>Priority:</strong> {WISH-LIST-ITEM-PRIORITY}</li>
<li><button type="button" name="" value="" onclick="location.href='quick_return.php?id={PRODUCT-SID}&qty=1'">ADD TO CART</button></li>
</ul><br />
<!-- End of WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK content. -->
<li style="text-align:center;"><a href="{URL-ADD-WISH-LIST-TO-BASKET}">Add entire "{WISH-LIST-NAME}" wish list to my order.</a></li>
<!-- End of content to show/hide based on whether the customer owns the wish list. -->
<!-- End of content to be shown only if the shopping session has a wish list. -->
<hr />
<!-- End of content to be shown only if the store's Wish List Module is enabled. -->
2. If the store's Wish List Module is enabled -AND- the logged in customer owns two wish lists (named "What I want for my birthday" and "What I want to buy later"), then the following would display:
3. If the store's Wish List Module is enabled -AND- the current visitor has entered the public access code of a friend's wish list (named "Bill's Wish List"), then the following would display:
Wish Lists
- Viewing Wish List: Bill's Wish List
- Public access code: 1a111b123c456d789f0000g1h2222i3j
- Add entire "Bill's Wish List" wish list to my order.
4. If the store's Wish List Module is enabled -BUT- the current visitor has not entered the public access code to view a specific wish list -AND- either is not logged into a customer account -OR- is logged into a customer account that does not have any wish lists, then the following would display:
5. If the store's Wish List Module is not enabled, then the following would display: