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Storefront > {GOOGLE-PLUS-SHARE}
{GOOGLE-PLUS-SHARE} Updated: 02/12/2013

This QuickCode Tag is used to add a Google+ share button to any page of your online store.

The tag can be used as-is to display a share button in your storefront. However, it can also accept several parameters, which can be used to customize its appearance and behavior. The available parameters include:

The URL to share. If you set this attribute by using, you should should not escape the URL.
Possible values: Any URL
Default: Current page's URL

The annotation to display next to the button.
Possible values: inline, bubble, vertical-bubble, none
Default: bubble

The maximum width to allocate to the entire share plugin. See Button Sizes for more information.
Possible values: Any number

The height to assign the button. This may be 15, 20, 24 or 60. See Button Sizes for more information.
Possible values: Any number

Sets the alignment of the button assets within its frame.
Possible values: left, right
Default: left

The preferred positions in which to display hover and confirmation bubbles, relative to the button. Set this parameter when your page contains certain elements, such as Flash objects, that might interfere with rendering the bubbles.
If omitted, the rendering logic will guess the best position, usually defaulting to below the button (bottom).
Possible values: comma-separated list of top, right, bottom, left
Default: empty list

If specified, this function is called when an interaction bubble appears (such as when the user hovers over the button or starts the sharing flow). This function must be in the global namespace and may accept a single parameter, which will be a JSON object.
Possible values: function(jsonParam)

If specified, this function is called when the interaction bubble disappears. You can use this callback function to modify your page, such as resuming a video, when the bubble closes. This function accepts a single parameter, which is identical in structure to the parameter passed to onstartinteraction.
Possible values: function(jsonParam)
Requirements / Prerequisites

When using parameters within the QuickCode Tag, the different values should be separated correctly.

Colons ( : ) should be used to separate the different options; such as annotation and width.

Equal signs ( = ) should be used to distinguish what the option's value is.


An example of their separation can be viewed below:



Parameters can be passed within the QuickCode Tag in two ways.

Name/Value Pairs
The preferred method is to use name/value pairs. In this approach, both the name of the parameter and its value are included in the QuickCode Tag. This allows you to set custom values for any number of the available parameters, in any order.

For example, to set custom values for just the "width" and "annotation" options, the QuickCode Tag would look something like this when using name/value pairs:


Note that when using name/value pairs, the parameters may be included in any order, and unused parameters may be excluded.


Values Only
Optionally, just the values of the parameters may be included. This can make the QuickCode Tag shorter in some cases, however, when including only the values of each parameter they must be kept in order.

For example, to set custom values for just the "width" and "annotation" options, the QuickCode Tag would look something like this when using just values:


Note that when using only the values, all parameters from the first one through the last one you use must be present and in the correct order.
Example of Use

If you wanted a button with a width of 60px and a height of 24px, the following tag could be used:


Source Code Source Code Updated:
When a web page using a template that contains this QuickCode Tag is viewed in the storefront, the {GOOGLE-PLUS-SHARE} QuickCode Tag is changed into the source code below prior to the web page being displayed.
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