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Storefront > {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS}
{PAY-METHOD-LOGOS} Updated: 09/6/2013

The {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS} QuickCode Tag may be used to display a row of payment method images, including the major brands of credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa) as well as images for PayPal and Google Checkout.

{PAY-METHOD-LOGOS} accepts parameters that may be used to control the size of the payment method images, and to customize which of the four types of credit card are shown.

If a PayPal Account Login has been entered in the Merchant Account Settings section of the store's System Settings, then the PayPal payment method image will automatically be displayed after the list of credit card images.

If a Google Checkout Merchant ID has been entered in the Merchant Account Settings section of the store's System Settings, then the Google Checkout payment method image will automatically be displayed at the end of the list of payment method images.

Requirements / Prerequisites

The {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS} QuickCode Tag is compatible with any storefront template.

{PAY-METHOD-LOGOS} may be customized with one required parameter and four optional parameters. These parameters are explained in the Customization section below.

Options in the Merchant Account Settings section of the store's System Settings determine whether the PayPal and Google Checkout payment method images are displayed in the list. If a PayPal Account Login has been entered, then the PayPal payment method image will automatically be displayed after the list of credit card images. If a Google Checkout Merchant ID has been entered, then the Google Checkout payment method image will automatically be displayed at the end of the list of payment method images.

Example of Use

1. Add the following code to any storefront template:


2. The corresponding storefront page will display the following:




The {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS} QuickCode Tag accepts up to five parameters:

  1. Size [Required]
  2. First credit card type [Optional]
  3. Second credit card type [Optional]
  4. Third credit card type [Optional]
  5. Fourth credit card type [Optional]

1. Size [Required]
Example: {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30}
The size parameter is used to specify the height in pixels of the payment method images, and accepts a number value. In stock template packages, the size parameter is typically set to 30. Images will not be displayed larger than 50 pixels in height, so if a value greater than 50 is entered for this parameter, the value will be ignored and the images will be displayed with a height of 50 pixels.

2. First credit card type [Optional]
Example: {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30:visa}
The first credit card type parameter is used to specify which credit card image is displayed first. This parameter accepts any one of the following references: americanexpress, discover, mastercard, visa. If this parameter is omitted (as in {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30}), then images for all four credit card types will all be displayed, in the following order: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. If this parameter is used, then only the credit card types specified in this and the other three optional parameters will be displayed. For instance, if the first credit card type is visa and the remaining parameters are omitted, then only the Visa credit card image will be shown. However, if the first credit card type is visa, the second credit card type is mastercard, and the third and fourth credit card type parameters are omitted, then both the Visa and the MasterCard credit card images will be shown.

3. Second credit card type [Optional]
Example: {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30:visa:mastercard}
The second credit card type parameter is used to specify which credit card image is displayed second, and is only available if the first credit card type parameter has already been specified. This parameter accepts any one of the following references: americanexpressdiscovermastercardvisa. If this parameter is omitted (as in {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30:visa}), then only one credit card image will be shown, corresponding to the credit card type specified in the first credit card type parameter. For instance, if the first credit card type is visa and the remaining parameters are omitted, then only the Visa credit card image will be shown. However, if the first credit card type is visa, the second credit card type is mastercard, and the third and fourth credit card type parameters are omitted, then both the Visa and the MasterCard credit card images will be shown.

4. Third credit card type [Optional]
Example: {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30:visa:mastercard:discover}
The third credit card type parameter is used to specify which credit card image is displayed third, and is only available if the first credit card type parameter and second credit card type parameter have already been specified. This parameter accepts any one of the following references: americanexpressdiscovermastercardvisa. If this parameter is omitted (as in {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30:visa:mastercard}), then only two credit card images will be shown, corresponding to the credit card type specified in the first credit card type parameter and second credit card type parameter. For instance, if the first credit card type is visa, the second credit card type is mastercard, and the third and fourth credit card type parameters are omitted, then both the Visa and the MasterCard credit card images will be shown.

5. Fourth credit card type [Optional]
Example: {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30:visa:mastercard:discover:americanexpress}
The fourth credit card type parameter is used to specify which credit card image is displayed fourth, and is only available if the first, second, and third credit card type parameters have already been specified. This parameter accepts any one of the following references: americanexpressdiscovermastercardvisa. If this parameter is omitted (as in {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS:30:visa:mastercard:discover}), then only three credit card images will be shown, corresponding to the credit card types specified in the first, second, and third credit card type parameters. For instance, if the first credit card type is visa, the second credit card type is mastercard, the third credit card type is discover, and the fourth credit card type parameter is omitted, then the Visa, MasterCard, and Discover credit card images will be shown.

Source Code Source Code Updated: 12/31/1969
When a web page using a template that contains this QuickCode Tag is viewed in the storefront, the {PAY-METHOD-LOGOS} QuickCode Tag is changed into the source code below prior to the web page being displayed.
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