If the following code is added to the digital_delivery.template.php template:
If a customer placed an order that included the digital objects named Example PDF, Example MP3, and Example ZIP, each of which has a three download attempt shelf life, when the customer accessed the digital delivery page for that order, the following would display:
Download your purchased files:
File Name: Example PDF |
Access Limit: 3 |
Current Attempts: 0 |
Remaining Attempts: 3 |
File Name: Example MP3 |
Access Limit: 3 |
Current Attempts: 0 |
Remaining Attempts: 3 |
File Name: Example ZIP |
Access Limit: 3 |
Current Attempts: 0 |
Remaining Attempts: 3 |
If the customer had already downloaded Example PDF once and Example ZIP twice, the following would display:
Download your purchased files:
File Name: Example PDF |
Access Limit: 3 |
Current Attempts: 1 |
Remaining Attempts: 2 |
File Name: Example MP3 |
Access Limit: 3 |
Current Attempts: 0 |
Remaining Attempts: 3 |
File Name: Example ZIP |
Access Limit: 3 |
Current Attempts: 2 |
Remaining Attempts: 1 |