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Reviews > {IF-REVIEWS-END}
{IF-REVIEWS-END} Updated: 06/24/2013

The {IF-REVIEWS-END} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that will only be shown if a particular product has at least one approved product review.

If the store's Product Reviews Module is enabled, customers may submit product reviews from the product page, and store admins may also create product reviews from the Product Review Editor. Once a product review has been created, it must be approved before it will be displayed in the storefront. Store admins may approve product reviews from the Search Product Reviews page or from the Product Review Editor. Additionally, the Product Reviews Module Settings include an option to auto-approve reviews submitted by customers who have already submitted a certain number of approved reviews.

Requirements / Prerequisites

The {IF-REVIEWS-END} QuickCode Tag must be used in combination with the {IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag. The {ELSE} QuickCode Tag may optionally be inserted between {IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} and {IF-REVIEWS-END}.

{IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} and {IF-REVIEWS-END} are compatible with the product template (product.tplonly.

Content between {IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} and {IF-REVIEWS-END} will be shown if the product has at least one approved product review, or hidden if the product does not yet have any approved reviews. If {ELSE} is inserted between {IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} and {IF-REVIEWS-END}, then content between {IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} and {ELSE} will be shown if the product has at least one approved review, while any alternate content between {ELSE} and {IF-REVIEWS-END} will be shown if the product does not have any approved reviews.

It is recommended to always place any content related to product reviews between the {IF-USING-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-BEGIN} and {IF-USING-PRODUCT-REVIEWS-END} QuickCode Tags, so that the content will be shown when the store's Product Reviews Module is enabled, but hidden if the store's Product Reviews Module is disabled.

Example of Use

1. Add the following to the store's product template (product.tpl):

Hello, and welcome to my store!
Interested in learning about other customers' opinions of our products? With product reviews, you can read real feedback from real people, before you buy!
Reviews for {PRODUCT-NAME}....
{PRODUCT-NAME} has not yet been reviewed.
Product reviews are not allowed at this time.
Thanks for shopping!

2. If the store's Product Review Module is enabled, and the "Blue T-Shirt" product has at least one approved review, the "Blue T-Shirt" product page will display the following:

Hello, and welcome to my store!
Interested in learning about other customers' opinions of our products? With product reviews, you can read real feedback from real people, before you buy!
Reviews for Blue T-Shirt....
Thanks for shopping!

3. If the store's Product Review Module is enabled, but the "Blue T-Shirt" product does not have at least one approved review, the "Blue T-Shirt" product page will display the following:

Hello, and welcome to my store!
Interested in learning about other customers' opinions of our products? With product reviews, you can read real feedback from real people, before you buy!
Blue T-Shirt has not yet been reviewed.
Thanks for shopping!

4. If the store's Product Review Module is disabled, the corresponding storefront page will display the following:

Hello, and welcome to my store!
Product reviews are not allowed at this time.
Thanks for shopping!

Source Code Source Code Updated: 12/31/1969
When a web page using a template that contains this QuickCode Tag is viewed in the storefront, the {IF-REVIEWS-END} QuickCode Tag is changed into the source code below prior to the web page being displayed.
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