The {FIELD-REVIEW-CRITERIA-MENU} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a dropdown menu which customers may use to select ratings for ranking criteria when submitting product reviews.
If a product is assigned to a ranking criteria group, then when a customer reviews the product, the customer may also rate the product in terms of each of the criteria in the ranking criteria group. There are two different options to create an input for rating ranking criteria: {FIELD-REVIEW-CRITERIA-MENU} to create a dropdown menu, or {FIELD-REVIEW-CRITERIA} to create a row of five clickable stars.
Requirements / Prerequisites
The {FIELD-REVIEW-CRITERIA-MENU} QuickCode Tag is compatible with the product template (product.tpl) only.
Since the {FIELD-REVIEW-CRITERIA-MENU} QuickCode Tag creates an HTML input, it must be used within a valid HTML form, which also contains a submit button. The entire form should be placed between {IF-REVIEWER-AUTHORIZED-BEGIN} and {IF-REVIEWER-AUTHORIZED-END}, so that the product review form will only be displayed to authorized customers.
2. If the store's Product Review Module is enabled, -AND- the store's Require Purchase? option is set to NO -OR- the current customer is logged in and has purchased the "Blue T-Shirt" product, -AND- the "Blue T-Shirt" product is assigned to a ranking criteria group which consists of the ranking criteria "True to Size" and "Comfortable", then the "Blue T-Shirt" product page will display the following:
Example Hello, and welcome to my store!
Interested in sharing your opinion of Blue T-Shirt?
for True to Size for Comfortable
Write your review here:
Thanks for shopping!
3. If the store's Product Review Module is enabled, -AND- the store's Require Purchase? option is set to NO -OR- the current customer is logged in and has purchased the "Blue T-Shirt" product, -AND- the "Blue T-Shirt" product is not assigned to a ranking criteria group, then the "Blue T-Shirt" product page will display the following:
Example Hello, and welcome to my store!
Interested in sharing your opinion of Blue T-Shirt?
Write your review here:
Thanks for shopping!
4. If the store's Product Review Module is enabled, and the store's Require Purchase? option is set to YES -AND- the current customer is not logged in or has not purchased the "Blue T-Shirt" product, the "Blue T-Shirt" product page will display the following:
Example Hello, and welcome to my store!
Interested in sharing your opinion of Blue T-Shirt?
Only customers who have purchased Blue T-Shirt may submit a review. If you've purchased Blue T-Shirt, log in to submit a review:
Email Address:
Thanks for shopping!
5. If the store's Product Review Module is disabled, the "Blue T-Shirt" product page will display the following:
Example Hello, and welcome to my store!
Product reviews are not allowed at this time.
Thanks for shopping!
Source Code
Source Code Updated: 12/31/1969
When a web page using a template that contains this QuickCode Tag is viewed in the storefront, the {FIELD-REVIEW-CRITERIA-MENU} QuickCode Tag is changed into the source code below prior to the web page being displayed.