83 articles matching search criteria. | Showing results 51 - 75 |
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The {IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-REVIEWS-END} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that will only be shown if a particular product has at least one approved product review. If the...
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The {IF-REVIEWS-END} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-REVIEWS-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that will only be shown if a particular product has at least one approved product review. If the...
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The {IF-REVIEWER-AUTHORIZED-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-REVIEWER-AUTHORIZED-END} QuickCode Tag to enforce the Require Purchase? Product Reviews Module setting. The store's Product...
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The {IF-REVIEWER-AUTHORIZED-END} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-REVIEWER-AUTHORIZED-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag to enforce the Require Purchase? Product Reviews Module setting. The store's Product...
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The {IF-REVIEW-CRITERIA-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-REVIEW-CRITERIA-END} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that will only be shown if a particular product is assigned to a Ranking Criteria...
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The {IF-REVIEW-CRITERIA-END} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-REVIEW-CRITERIA-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that will only be shown if a particular product is assigned to a Ranking...
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The {FIELD-REVIEW-SORT} QuickCode Tag may be used within the product review section of the product template, to create a dropdown menu with several different sort options for the product's reviews. The available sort options...
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The {FIELD-REVIEW-CRITERIA-MENU} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a dropdown menu which customers may use to select ratings for ranking criteria when submitting product reviews. If a product is assigned to a ranking...
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The {FIELD-REVIEW-DETAILS} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a text area which customers may use to enter the text of a product review.
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The {NUMBER-OF-REVIEWS} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the total number of approved reviews for a particular product. If the store's Product Reviews Module is enabled, customers may submit product reviews from the...
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The {REVIEW-BLOCK-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {REVIEW-BLOCK-END} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that is displayed once for each of a particular product's approved product reviews. If the...
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The {REVIEW-BLOCK-END} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {REVIEW-BLOCK-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that is displayed once for each of a particular product's approved product reviews. If the...
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The {REVIEW-CRITERIA-BLOCK-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {REVIEW-CRITERIA-BLOCK-END} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that is displayed once for each of a product's ranking criteria.
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The {REVIEW-CRITERIA-BLOCK-END} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {REVIEW-CRITERIA-BLOCK-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that is displayed once for each of a product's ranking criteria.
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The {REVIEW-CRITERIA-DESCRIPTION} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the description text assigned to a ranking criteria. Store admins may use the Ranking Criteria Editor to create and manage ranking criteria groups....
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The {REVIEW-DETAIL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the full text of a product review. {REVIEW-DETAIL} is typically used in combination with {REVIEW-SUMMARY} and {REVIEW-TOGGLE-DISPLAY-TAG}. With this combination,...
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The {REVIEW-SUMMARY} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the text of a product review, up to a set character limit. The character limit is specified as a parameter to the {REVIEW-SUMMARY} QuickCode Tag. For instance,...
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The {REVIEW-TOGGLE-DISPLAY-TAG} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a link that may be used to toggle between displaying the summary of a product review, or the full text of a product review. {REVIEW-TOGGLE-DISPLAY-TAG}...
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The {URL-REVIEW-VOTE-IS-HELPFUL} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a link that visitors may click to submit a positive vote regarding a particular product review. {IF-CUSTOMER-HAS-VOTED-ON-REVIEW-BEGIN}, {ELSE},...
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The {REVIEW-VOTES-HELPFUL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the total number positive votes that have been submitted for a particular product review.
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The {URL-REVIEW-VOTE-IS-UNHELPFUL} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a link that visitors may click to submit a negative vote regarding a particular product review. {IF-CUSTOMER-HAS-VOTED-ON-REVIEW-BEGIN}, {ELSE},...
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The {IF-CUSTOMER-HAS-VOTED-ON-REVIEW-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-CUSTOMER-HAS-VOTED-ON-REVIEW-END} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that will only be shown if the current visitor has already...
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The {IF-CUSTOMER-HAS-VOTED-ON-REVIEW-END} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {IF-CUSTOMER-HAS-VOTED-ON-REVIEW-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag to create a block of content that will only be shown if the current visitor has already...
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The {REVIEW-VOTES-UNHELPFUL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the total number negative votes that have been submitted for a particular product review.
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The {REVIEW-VOTES-TOTAL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the total number of votes (including both positive votes and negative votes) that have been submitted for a particular product review.
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