30 articles matching search criteria. | Showing results 1 - 25 |
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Displays the product price, regardless of whether or not it is on sale (will display the sale price if on sale).
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Displays the product data associated with the customers scheduled orders.
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Displays the product data associated with the customers scheduled orders.
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The beginning tag for displaying the reduced price for the specific products, if there are any standing discounts applied to the products.
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The ending tag for displaying the reduced price for the specific products, if there are any standing discounts applied to the products.
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The beginning tag for displaying the customer's products that are in their order on their receipt. This will be broken up by shipping address.
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The ending tag for displaying the customer's products that are in their order on their receipt. This will be broken up by shipping address.
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The {BEST-SELLERS-BLOCK-BEGIN} tag can be used to display a list of your store's best selling products. Any content placed between this and the {BEST-SELLERS-BLOCK-END} tags will be repeated once for each of your best...
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The {BEST-SELLERS-BLOCK-END} tag may be used in conjuction with the {BEST-SELLERS-BLOCK-BEGIN} tag to display a list of your store's best selling products. Any content placed between the {BEST-SELLERS-BLOCK-BEGIN} and...
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This QuickCode tag checks to see how much of the currently viewed product there is stock.
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This QuickCode tag displays the number of units in stock available for the currently viewed product.
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The {WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK-END} QuickCode Tag, to define a block of content that will be displayed once for each product in a wish list. The...
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The {WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK-END} QuickCode Tag may be used with the {WISH-LIST-ITEM-BLOCK-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag, to define a block of content that will be displayed once for each product in a wish list. The...
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The {WISH-LIST-ITEM-CREATE-DATE} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the date that a specific item was added to a specific wish list.
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The {WISH-LIST-ITEM-EXPRIATION-DATE} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the date that a specific item will expire from a specific wish list.
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The {WISH-LIST-ITEM-PRIORITY} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the priority of a specific item within a specific wish list.
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The {WISH-LIST-ITEM-QUANTITY} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the requested quantity of a specific item within a specific wish list.
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The {WISH-LIST-ITEM-REMOVE-WHEN-PURCHASED} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the whether a specific item will be removed from a wish list when it is purchased. If the item is set to be removed from the wish list when...
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The {FIELD-WISH-LIST-ITEM-EXPIRATION-DATE} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a set of dropdown menus, from which a customer may assign an expiration date to a wish list item.Only the customer who created the wish...
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The {FIELD-WISH-LIST-ITEM-PRIORITY} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a dropdown menu, from which a customer may assign a priority to a wish list item.Only the customer who created the wish list, or a store admin, may...
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The {FIELD-WISH-LIST-ITEM-DELETE} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a checkbox that customers may use to delete an item from their wish list. Only the customer who created the wish list, or a store admin, may...
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The {FIELD-WISH-LIST-ITEM-REMOVE-WHEN-PURCHASED} QuickCode Tag may be used to create a dropdown menu, from which a customer may toggle whether or not an item will automatically be removed from the wish list when it...
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This QuickCode Tag is used in conjunction with {IF-PRODUCT-GROUP-END} to display information when there are one or more Product Groups present.If the {ELSE} QuickCode Tag is used between {IF-PRODUCT-GROUP-BEGIN} and...
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This QuickCode Tag is used in conjunction with {IF-PRODUCT-GROUP-BEGIN} to display information when there are one or more Product Groups present.If the {ELSE} QuickCode Tag is used between {IF-PRODUCT-GROUP-BEGIN} and...
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...{PRODUCT-PRICE-ORIGINAL} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the price of a product, as entered in the Price setting in the General Options section of the Product Editor. {PRODUCT-PRICE-ORIGINAL} is frequently used in combination...
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