Updated: 05/24/2013 |
The {WISH-LIST-ACCESS-CODE} QuickCode Tag may be used to display the public access code of a publicly viewable wish list.
When a wish list is created or edited, the option is available to set the wish list to be publicly viewable or not. If a wish list is set to be publicly viewable, the shopping cart will automatically generate an access code for visitors to enter, in order to view that particular wish list. |
Requirements / Prerequisites |
Example of Use |
- Add the following code to a storefront template:
ExampleView your wish lists here:<br />
<!-- Show the content between IF-USING-WISH-LISTS-BEGIN and ELSE only if the store's Wish List Module is enabled. -->
<!-- Show the content between WISH-LIST-BLOCK-BEGIN and WISH-LIST-BLOCK-END once for each of the user's wish lists. -->
<div style="border:1px dashed black;padding:5px;width:400px;">
<strong>Wish List Name:</strong> <strong><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);">{WISH-LIST-NAME}</span></strong><br />
<!-- Show the content between IF-WISH-LIST-IS-PUBLIC and ELSE only if the current wish list is set to be publicly viewable. -->
<em>Public Wish List</em><br />
<strong>Access Code: {WISH-LIST-ACCESS-CODE}</strong><br />
<!-- Show the content between ELSE and IF-WISH-LIST-IS-PUBLIC-END only if the current wish list is set not to be publicly viewable. -->
<em>Private Wish List</em><br />
<!-- End of content to be displayed/hidden based on whether the wish list is set to be publicly viewable. -->
<br />
<!-- End of content to be displayed once for each of the user's lists. -->
<!-- Show the content between ELSE and IF-USING-WISH-LISTS-END only if the store's Wish List Module is not enabled. -->
<em>Wish lists are not allowed at this time.</em><br />
<!-- End of content to show/hide based on whether the store's Wish List Module is enabled. -->
Thanks for visiting, please come again soon...
- If the store's Wish List Module is not enabled, the following would display:
Example View your wish lists here:
Wish lists are not allowed at this time.
Thanks for visiting, please come again soon...
- If the store's Wish List Module is enabled, and the customer has one public wish list named "What I want for my birthday", and one private wish list named "What I want to buy later", the following would display:
ExampleView your wish lists here:
Wish List Name: What I want for my birthday
Public Wish List
Wish List Name: What I want to buy later
Private Wish List
Thanks for visiting, please come again soon...
Source Code |
Source Code Updated: 12/31/1969 |