Updated: 05/24/2013 |
The {WISH-LIST-BLOCK-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag may be used in combination with the {WISH-LIST-BLOCK-END} QuickCode Tag within any storefront template, to create a block of content that will be shown once for each of the curent customer's wish lists. |
Requirements / Prerequisites |
The {WISH-LIST-BLOCK-BEGIN} QuickCode Tag must be used in combination with the {WISH-LIST-BLOCK-END} QuickCode Tag.
It is recommended to always place any content related to wish lists between the {IF-USING-WISH-LISTS-BEGIN} and {IF-USING-WISH-LISTS-END} QuickCode Tags, so that the content will be shown when the store's Wish List Module is enabled, but hidden if the store's Wish List Module is disabled. |
Example of Use |
- Add the following code to a storefront template:
ExampleWelcome to my store!<br />
<!-- Show the content between IF-USING-WISH-LISTS-BEGIN and IF-USING-WISH-LISTS-END only if the store's Wish List Module is enabled. -->
<div style="border:1px solid black;">
<!-- Show the content between IF-CUSTOMER-LOGGED-IN-BEGIN and ELSE only if a customer is currently logged in. -->
<strong>Wish Lists</strong><br />
<form action="{THIS-PAGE}" method="post" name="update_wish_lists_form">
<!-- Show the content between WISH-LIST-BLOCK-BEGIN and WISH-LIST-BLOCK-END once for each of the customer's wish lists. -->
<div style="border:1px solid red;">
<strong>Wish list name:</strong> {FIELD-WISH-LIST-NAME}<br />
<strong>Delete this wish list:</strong> {FIELD-WISH-LIST-DELETE}<br />
<!-- End of content to show once for each wish list. -->
<input class="SUBMIT-BUTTON" name="submit_wish_list_update" type="submit" value="Update Wish Lists" /><br />
<!-- Show the content between ELSE and IF-CUSTOMER-LOGGED-IN-END only if a customer is not currently logged in. -->
<a href="{URL-STORE-HOME}customer_login.php">Login</a> or <a href="{URL-STORE-HOME}customer_register.php">create an account</a> to create and edit wish lists.
<!-- End of content to show/hide based on whether a customer is logged in. -->
<!-- End of content to show/hide based on whether the store's Wish List Module is enabled. -->
Thanks for shopping, please come again soon...
- If the store's Wish List Module is enabled, and a customer is currently logged in, and the customer has two wish lists (named "What I want for my birthday" and "What I want to buy later"), the following would display:
ExampleWelcome to my store!
Thanks for shopping, please come again soon...
- If the store's Wish List Module is enabled, and a customer is currently logged in, but the customer does not have any wish lists, the following would display:
- If the store's Wish List Module is enabled, but no customer is currently logged in, the following would display:
ExampleWelcome to my store!
Login or create an account to create and edit wish lists.
Thanks for shopping, please come again soon...
- If the store's Wish List Module is disabled, the following would display:
Example Welcome to my store!
Thanks for shopping, please come again soon...
Source Code |
Source Code Updated: 12/31/1969 |